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Poetry of Edo Halim R. 'You and me'

Publié par Edo Halim R sur 14 Février 2016, 09:04am

Catégories : #Méditation

If you're into the waves, I am a scum.

If you're into the sea, I am the shoreline.

When you become a rainbow, I am the horizon.

When did you become a bird, I am your chirp.

When did you become a jungle, I am the eyes your water.

Where there is you, there is no me, both of us, but one.

Where there is me, there is no you, we are one, but both.

When you become a star, I am your light.

When you become the lips, I am your smile.

Published by Edo Halim R, painter - Categories: #‎PoetryRhidoEdoHalimS‬

Source : http://paintingridhoedohalim.over-blog.com/2016/02/poetry-you-and-me.html

Poetry of Edo Halim R. 'You and me'
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