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Man With The Pipe of Tobacco : Painting Acrylic on Canvas 93 Cm x 68 Cm

Publié par Mireille Bonsang sur 22 Décembre 2015, 18:24pm

Catégories : #Painting Acrylic Pontianak Indonesia Asia

Rappel : Je vous précise les buts du peintre Ridho Edo Halim R: il voudrait exposer ses toiles dans le monde entier, y compris en Europe...

Si vous avez des pistes de réflexion ou des contacts, pensez à moi : je lui transmettrai volontiers.

Merci pour lui




I present myself and hope to have the pleasure to meet you for true :

My name is Ridho Edo Halim R, I painted more than 150 acrylics on canvas (88 cm x 143 cm)

My concept : painting Nusantara - Emerald Equator especially the island of Borneo (domestic & exotic)

Until now, I made several exhibitions in my own city i.e. Pontianak in Indonesia (occidental Kalimantan - ASIA)

My painting are well-known by collectors in the world who know my talent

Actually, I exhibit my paintings in my home but ...

My goals are :

I truly desire to exhibit my paintings everywhere in the world, including Europa, !

Feel free to contact me to organize such an event :

Hand phone : +62 85252000995,
Mail : 100008715812844@facebook.com

See you soon ?

Ridho Edo Halim R, painter

Man With The Pipe of Tobacco : Painting Acrylic on Canvas 93 Cm x 68 Cm
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